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Last update - January 2024

'*'   Register ordnance separately for all events. Only one individual should be  assigned to register cannon all others register separately

January- 2024

February - 2024

March - 2024

April - 2024

May - 2024

May 18-19 - Fort Niagara NCWAA Artillery School.
See more information at

May 18-19   Spring Skirmish ( battle scenario to be announced) Daniel Lady Farm.   Registration is open at

June - 2024

July - 2024

July 6-7        161st Gettysburg Reenactment at Daniel Lady Farm *

                             Registration is now open at

August - 2024

September - 2024

October - 2024

Oct. 18-20    160th Cedar Creek Reenactment   Registration is now open at

November - 2024

Nov. 16         Remembrance Day Parade Gettysburg PA

Nov. 17         Artillery Reserve Fall Meeting, Gettysburg PA

December - 2024

Any & all use of content within this site must have prior permission from the board of members and/or the webmaster assigned to this organization for all usage outside the membership of the Artillery Reserve Organization.

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